Scrape Trustpilot company details such as number of reviews and star ratings. No coding required.

Trustpilot Scraper

Use iWeb Data Scraping Data Collecor,
or purchase a Trustpilot dataset
- Scrape Trustpilot to monitor brand sentiment
- Use our Trustpilot scraper to keep track of competitor reviews
- Collect data to stay on top of consumer sentiment
- Scrape Trustpilot to generate new leads
Trustpilot Scraper Overview
- Data scraping with no infrastructure needed
- Integrates with our industry-leading proxy networks
- Exclusive site unlocking technology
- Adapts with time: when Trustpilot changes its site structure IWeb Data Scraping updates the code
- Scale quickly – gather as much data as you need quickly and reliably
- IWeb Data Scraping is fully compliant with all relevant data protection legal requirements, including GDPR and CCPA.
How to use a Trustpilot Scraper to optimize your business tasks:
- Stay on top of your brand reputation by collecting data on reviews and immediately respond to negative reviews with real-time precision
- Understand your customer needs and journey by gather reviews and comments on goods, competitors, and brands
- Determine your target audience by collecting data from customer reviews to create an ideal customer profile
- Follow your competition and its reviews to generate new leads
- Get alerted to brand mentions and perform better market research
How it works
Choose the website you would like to scrape public data from, in real-time.
Select the frequency: real-time or scheduled, and delivery format: JSON, CSV, HTML, or Microsoft Excel.
Decide where to send the data: webhook, email, Amazon S3, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, SFTP, or API.
Want to learn more?
Talk to an expert to discuss your data collection needs and see our platform in action.