Scrape Crunchbase and collect infomation such as: company ID, company size, employees, industries, locations, logo, organization type, founded, followers, funding, investors, social media and websites urls, reviews, jobs posting, and more.

Crunchbase Scraper

Use iWeb Data Scraping Data Collector,
or purchase a
Crunchbase dataset
- Scrape Crunchbase to boost recruitment, track talent, & update candidate databases
- Collect Crunchbase data to headhunt candidates & predict their likelihood to change jobs
- Track movements between companies for emerging business opportunities
- Monitor company evolution & growth to screen potential investment candidates
Crunchbase Scraper Overview
- Data scraping with no infrastructure needed
- Integrates with our industry-leading proxy networks
- AExclusive site unlocking technology
- Adapts with time: when Crunchbase changes its site structure IWeb Data Scraping updates the code
- Scale quickly – gather as much data as you need quickly and reliably
- IWeb Data Scraping is fully compliant with all relevant data protection legal requirements, including GDPR and CCPA.
Available collectors

Crunchbase search
Crunchbase Scraper can be used to:
- Boost your pipeline by collecting public profiles and company data including parameters like type of industry,
recommended companies, similar companies, size, searchable contact dtaa, job titles, roles, location,
education & skills - Identify new prospects & perform better lead generation & enrich your CRM with fresh real-time Crunchbase data
- Track movements within and between companies, as well as when companies obtain funding as notified on
Crunchbase, for emerging business opportunities & new leads - Save time by cutting down your prospecting & sales discovery process
- Track company growth and history to screen potential investment candidates
- Identify upcoming market trends
How it works
Choose the website you would like to scrape public data from, in real-time.
Select the frequency: real-time or scheduled, and delivery format: JSON, CSV, HTML, or Microsoft Excel.
Decide where to send the data: webhook, email, Amazon S3, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, SFTP, or API.
Want to learn more?
Talk to an expert to discuss your data collection needs and see our platform in action.